November 2021
"I'm InTouch is the winner of the Editor's Choice Award from Enterprise Security Magazine"
(Read Article)
September 2019
"IronCAP Awarded CIOReview's Editor's Choice as Most Promising Quantum Solution"
(Read Article)
August 2015 "I'm OnCall won the TMC Contact Center Technology Award (2015)" (Read Article)
March 2015 "I'm ImTouch Meeting won Internet Telephony 2015 Product of the Year" (Read Article)
February 2014 "I'm ImTouch won again the 2014 Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award" (Read Article)
February 2014 "I'm ImTouch Meeting won again the TMC Internet Telephony Magazine's Product of the Year award" (Read Article)
September 2013 "I'm InTouch - winner of TMC Communication Solutions Product-of-the-Year 2012"
June 2013 "I'm InTouch Meeting wins INTERNET TELEPHONY's 2013 TMC Labs Innovation Award"
December 2012 "01 Communique Lab. Inc. Receives 2012 INTERNET TELEPHONY Product of the Year Award"
June 2012 "INTERNET TELEPHONY's 2012 TMC Labs Innovation Award"
February 2012 "2011 Internet Telephony Product the Year Award"
July 2011 "IIT - TMC Lab's Communication Solutions Product-of-the-Year 2010"
July 2011 "IIT Meeting - TMC Lab's Internet Telephony Innovation Award 2011"
August 2010 "01 Communique Web Conferencing Solution In Beta"
August 2010 "Free Beta of I'm InTouch Meeting Web-based Meeting Service"
August 2010 "I'm InTouch Meeting's Web Conferencing Software in Beta"
June 2010 "Communications Solutions 2009 Product of the Year Award Winners Announced"
June 2010 "I'm InTouch Online Meeting - A Cost Effective Online Collaborative Solution" |
June 2010 "01 Communique enters the online meeting market"
January 2010 "Review: I'm InTouch 7.2"
December 2009 "The Beauty of Remote Access Products"
December 2009 "I'm In Touch Remote Access Secure Key Review"
December 2009 "I'm OnCall 1.2 Remote Support Released with Windows 7 Support"
November 2009 "I'm InTouch 7.2 Provides Remote Access with Windows 7 Support"
November 2009 "Review: 01 Communique's I'm InTouch 7.2 Remote Access Solution"
November 2009 "I'm InTouch 7.2 Remote Access with Windows 7 Support"
November 2009 "7 Fantastic Tool for Remote Printing"
September 2009 "Fast, Simple and Secure Remote Access with SecureKEY"
August 2009 "Turn it on" (Read the article in August 2009 Issue)
July 2009 "I'm InTouch remote access software review"
June 2009 "I'm OnCall gets Mac compatibility"
June 2009 "Product Releases: 01 Communique I'm OnCall"
June 2009 "Stay InTouch with your computer"
June 2009 "01 Communique I'm InTouch 7.1"
June 2009 "I'm OnCall remote support - exclusive hands-on review"
June 2009 "01 Communique - I'm InTouch 7.1 review"
June 2009 " Review: 2 USB devices offer easy remote access"
May 2009 "Communications Solutions 2008 Product of the Year Award Winners Announced"
May 2009 "Your computer in a flash drive"
April 2009 "I'm InTouch With My Desktop From Anywhere"
April 2009 "Your computer, via anywhere"
March 2009 "I'm InTouch 7.1 - remotely access 64-bit computers"
February 2009 "Allow Secure Remote Access and Prevent Data Loss"
February 2009 "I'm InTouch SecurePC prevents lost data on stolen laptops"
December 2008 "I'm InTouch SecurePC & SecureKEY"
December 2008 "Dumb terminals may be a smart solution to data theft"
November 2008 "Editor's Picks"
November 2008 "01 Communique introduces new platform enhancements"
November 2008 "Work at home, help the environment"
October 2008 "Big Files Don't Cry"
September 2008 "Access Anxiety: Solving Five Common Remote Access Issues"
September 2008 "Editor's Review of I'm InTouch Premium"
August 2008 I'm InTouch nominated for Best Software Awards 2008: Smarthphone - Networking and Remote Desktop category
August 2008 I'm InTouch nominated for Best Software Awards 2008: Pocket PC - Remote Host Control category
August 2008 "Product Releases:01 Communique Laboratory"
July 2008 "Remote access tool wakes up powered-off PCs"
July 2008 "Remote Access Tool Saves Petrol and Power"
July 2008 "01 Communique turns on computers from afar"
July 2008 "Remotely Access Your Shut Down PC with I'm InTouch Premium"
July 2008 "Staying intouch with I'm InTouch"
July 2008 "I'm InTouch Premium Accesses Shut Down PCs Remotely"
July 2008 "Wake Up Computer!"
May 2008 Review: I'm InTouch Remote Access Software 6.1
May 2008 Review: I'm InTouch 6.1
February 2008 "Get More Done"
February 2008 "Your Data Anywhere"
February 2008 "Easy Access - I'm InTouch"
February 2008 "Review: I'm InTouch Remote Access Software 6.0"
December 2007 "Review: I'm InTouch 6 Remote Control Software"
November 2007 "A Handy Tool for Remote Control"
November 2007 "I'm InTouch, You're InTouch"
August 2007 "I'm InTouch Learns New Tricks"

August 2007 Best Software Awards 2007 Nominees Final. The Judging Has Begun!
July 2007 "I'm InTouch Child Monitoring system, 01 Communique"
April 2007 "Communications Solutions 2006 Product of the Year Award Winners Announced"
December 2006 "Best of Business Tools"
November 2006 "Desktop in your Pocket"
November 2006 "Making the PC Connection"
October 2006 "VARBusiness Names Tech Innovators of the Year"
September 2006 "Securing Remote PC Access"
September 2006 "New program allows secret monitoring of children - or workers"
August 2006 Remote Resolution Finds Business Continuity
August 2006 "Vendors flog new airport bans, say "leave notebooks behind" to travelers"
June 2006 "Playing Host"
May 2006 "You can use it from any device that is connected to the internet, be it another desktop computer, a cell phone, a pocket pc, or any other type of PDA device."
April/May 2006 "When looking at remote access tools, I like something that will be easy to use, flexible, reliable, secure and inexpensive. I also need it to run reasonably on a low bandwidth connection. I'm InTouch met all these needs."
April 2006 "01 Communique Launches Remote Tool for VARs"
April 2006 "Easy to set up and offers solid remote control functionality and file transfers with PDA, mobile and dedicated Blackberry support. Remote webcam viewing provides a simple security feature."
March 2006 I'm InTouch "does arguably boast the widest support among wireless devices."
March 2006 "Installation of I'm InTouch was quick and easy."
March 2006 "Touchy Subject"
February 2006 "Straight from the heart" "No more headaches if you forget to synchronise or transfer files."
February 2006 "Take Your PC With You" I'm InTouch "stands out as the only remote solution to offer wireless notification of new e-mail.."
February 2006 Healthcare Traveler The Cutting Edge
February 2006 Revue des Collectivités Locales "Accéder à son PC à distance et le contrôler, totalement, en toute sécurité"
January 2006 "Zugang ist immer und überall" [German]
January 2006 "Networking: Reach Out And Touch Someone"

November 2005 "I'm InTouch is an application that is quickly creating a spot for itself in my permanent tool chest."
October 2005 "Keep In Touch"
March 2005 "Have Browser, Will Work"

"Top 20 utilities for 2004."
September 2004 "01 Communique now offers a solution that's both effective and affordable: I'm InTouch"

September 2004 "An e-mail notification feature makes sure you never miss that important message"
August 2004 I'm InTouch is "much more responsive--fast enough even to use on a slow dial-up line (which...proved a real deal-maker)"

July 26, 2004 "It is an easy install and you don't need to be an MCSE to do it."
"A secure way to control your computer from anywhere in the world without worrying about security."
April 19, 2004 App Offers Easy Remote Access

"I'm InTouch works quickly and smoothly - even with wireless devices."
"I'll opt for the $99 I'm InTouch the next time I go out of town and want to be able to access anything on my office PC."
"Software lets you be in office but not ..."working at home" just got easier"
"Next best thing to being there."
"I was more than impressed by its speed and efficiency."

"Stay in touch with all of your information while you're on the go."

"A nice feature of the e-mail viewing routine is its ability to display an attachment."

"All together - if you are a professional user - I'm InTouch is worth the money."

"I'm InTouch provides a new level of integrated wireless communications and mobile computing power to wireless handheld device users and to those still using a normal computer."

"I'm InTouch is great value if you like to access your e-mails from a wireless handheld device."

"01 Communique offers generous margins marketing assistance and joint seminars for solution providers."

"I'm InTouch allows you to connect to your desktop for the convenience of remaining in touch with your data."

"Canada's own 01 Communique wants to help you stay in touch with all of your information while you're on the go, and it has just the software to makethat happen."
"Communicate i2000 used to bill itself as the 'Swiss Army knife of communications,' with quick-opening tools for all occasions. Now 01Communique has added video and made it a Windows power tool ... [The Communicate Video i2000 Bundle] expands what was already an award-winning program."

"[i2000] combines the tasks for which your computer uses a modem into a single program."
"... we found COMMUNICATE! i2000 to be a very good product with several useful features that are beneficial to home office and small business users ... it can be a valuable tool to help you increase your productivity and organize your business."
"Professional communicators will love this power suite of e-mail, fax, and telephony tools ... some combination of its capabilities is sure to improve your current communications systems."